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CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment

  CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 




Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2022 (CMDT 2022) is the 61st edition o this single-source reerence or practitio-
ners o adult medicine in both hospital and ambulatory settings. The book emphasizes the practical  eatures o clinical

diagnosis and patient management in all ields o internal medicine and in specialties o interest to primary care practitio-
ners and to subspecialists who provide general care.

Our students have inspired us to look at issues orace and justice, which surely impact people’s health. We have there ore
reviewed the contents our work with the goal  ensuring that it relects the dignity and equality that every patient


House oicers, medical students, and all other health proessions students will ind the descriptions  diagnostic and
therapeutic modalities, with citations to the current literature,  everyday useulness in patient care.
Internists, amily physicians, hospitalists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and all primary care providers
adult medicine will appreciate CMDT as a ready reerence and reresher text. Physicians in other specialties, pharmacists,
and dentists will ind the book a useul basic medical reerence text. Nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants
will welcome the ormat and scope the book as a means o quickly reerencing medical diagnosis and treatment
Patients and their amily members who seek inormation about the nature ospeciic diseases and their diagnosis and
treatment may also ind this book to be a valuable resource.


 INNOVATIVE TABLE highlighting the “Year in Review: Key Clinical Updates in CMDT 2022,” individually listed with
page numbers and reerence citations, or easy access to signiicant changes in this edition
• American College Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines or managing valvular heart disease and
algorithms detailing interventions or primary and secondary mitral regurgitation, aortic valve stenosis, and aortic
• American College o Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines or diagnosing and treating hypertrophic
• European Society o Cardiology guidelines or adult congenital disease
• Vericiguat receives FDA approval or treating heart ailure
• New section on managing supine hypertension in patients with orthostatic hypertension
• Tables outlining causes osecondary hypertension and the impact  liestyle modi ications on hypertension
• Role  renal sympathetic nerve ablation as an alternative or adjunctive modality in the treatment ohypertension
• Table outlining updated classi ication o pulmonary hypertension
• Luspatercept has been FDA approved or transusion-dependent beta-thalassemia
• Sacituzumab govitecan (TRODELVY) is the irst antibody-drug conjugate approved or triple-negative breast cancer • Atezolizumab and bevacizumab have emerged as irst-line treatments or hepatocellular carcinoma
• The US Multi-Society Task Force Guideline provides recommendations or repeat colonoscopy
• Extensive revision o Electrolyte & Acid-Base Disorders chapter •

 Integration omaterial regarding SARS-CoV-2 throughout the text, eg, in a new section discussing its eects on the
• Phexxi (a vaginal pH regulator gel containing lactic acid-citric acid-potassium bitartrate) is now FDA approved as a
contraceptive gel • Cabotegravir, an HIV integrase inhibitor medication, has been approved  use in the United States, Canada, and in the

European Union. Given intramuscularly with rilpivirine (each in its own site), they are the irst once-monthly mainte-
nance regimen or patients with virally suppressed HIV inection

• Fostemsavir and ibalizumab are FDA approved adults with multidrug-resistant HIV who are not responding to their
existing regimen
• Online images in Dermatologic Disorders, Eye & Eye Lid Disorders, Blood Disorders, and Blood Vessel & Lymphatic
Disorders chapters 

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• Medical advances up to time  annual publication
• Detailed presentation ointernal medicine disciplines, plus primary care topics in gynecology, obstetrics, dermatology,
ophthalmology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, neurology, toxicology, urology, geriatrics, orthopedics, women’s health,
sexual and gender minority health, preventive medicine, and palliative care
• Concise ormat, acilitating eicient use in any practice setting
• More than 1000 diseases and disorders • Updates on SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19, HIV/AIDS, Ebola virus, Zika virus, and other newly emerging inections • Speciic disease prevention inormation
• Easy access to medication dosages, with trade names indexed and current costs updated in each edition
• Recent reerences, with unique identiiers (PubMed, PMID numbers)  rapid downloading  article abstracts and, in
some instances, ull-text reerence articles


Seven e-chapters listed in the Table o Contents can be accessed at These online-only
chapters (available without need or subscription) include
• Anti-In ective Chemotherapeutic & Antibiotic Agents • Diagnostic Testing & Medical Decision Making
• Inormation Technology in Patient Care
• Integrative Medicine
• Podiatric Disorders • Women’s Health Issues • Appendix: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Laboratory Reerence Intervals, & Pharmacogenetic Testing
Institutional or individual subscriptions to AccessMedicine also have ull electronic access to CMDT 2022. Subscribers to CMDT Online receive ull electronic access to CMDT 2022 as well as • An expanded, dedicated media gallery
• Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment (QMDT)—a concise, bulleted version CMDT 2022
• Guide to Diagnostic Tests—or quick reerence to the selection and interpretation  commonly used diagnostic tests •

CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care—delivering concise summaries  the most relevant guidelines in
primary care
• Diagnosaurus—consisting o 1000+ dierential diagnoses
CMDT 2022, QMDT, Guide to Diagnostic Tests, and Diagnosaurus are also available as individual apps or your smartphone or tablet and can be ound in the Apple App Store and Google Play







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