Download Janeway's Immunobiology (Murphy) 10 TH Edition Easily In PDF Format For Free
Since early 2020, the field of immunology has moved to an unexpectedly prominent place in
daily life. As SARS-CoV-2 spread around the globe, basic questions about how the immune
system combats viruses moved into the forefront of public attention. Why were individual
responses to the virus so variable? Why were outcomes in older patients so much more dire
than in younger infected individuals? And, most important, how quickly would a vaccine be
available, would it provide adequate protection, and for how long? While some questions
have been answered, notably observing the most rapid vaccine development in human
history, many other questions remain outstanding. Clearly, the need for continued research
into basic mechanisms controlling human immunity is undeniable.
Though somewhat overshadowed during the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a dramatic
rise in the use of various other immunotherapies in the years since the last edition of
Janeway’s Immunobiology.
Multiple methods for manipulating immune responses have
significantly altered the practice of clinical medicine, benefiting patients who present with a
diagnosis of cancer, autoimmune disease, or chronic inflammatory disorder. In large part,
these clinical advances arose from decades of basic research aimed at uncovering the
molecules and pathways that regulate immune cells at steady-state conditions or during
infection, inflammation, or autoimmunity.
This Tenth Edition of Janeway’s Immunobiology strives to carry on Charlie Janeway’s
legacy of providing a comprehensive, up-to-date textbook focused on the mechanisms
underlying the responses to infection. In keeping with this mission, this edition’s text and
figures have been updated throughout. The immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and the
multiple vaccine strategies utilized against this infection are introduced in Chapter 1 and
further discussed in Chapters 12, 16, and Appendix I. Chapter 3 now includes a detailed
explanation of the mechanism by which mutations in innate sensors of infection can lead to
autoimmunity .
New developments in the identification of ligands for γδ T cells are
highlighted in Chapter 4, and the new cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the
RAG-1:RAG-2 complex bound to DNA is described in Chapter 5. Recently discovered
structural features of the peptide-loading machinery for antigen presentation to T cells are
included in Chapter 6. The treatment of antigen receptor signaling in Chapter 7 now includes
discussion of lymphocyte metabolism, a topic also revisited in the revised Chapters 9 and 11.
Additionally, new information in Chapter 7 highlights the pathways targeted by checkpoint
blockade immunotherapy and describes the signaling modules used to engineer chimeric
antigen receptors (CARs) for cell-based therapies, a topic also elaborated in Chapter 16. The
latest findings on T-cell localization and dynamics during priming interactions with dendritic
cells are covered in Chapter 9, while Chapter 11 describes new insights into the development
and functions of tissue-resident memory T cells.
Chapter 12, which focuses on immunity at
the barrier surfaces, has undergone a major overhaul and includes an expanded discussion of
immune interactions with commensal microorganisms and a detailed discussion of the roles
of diverse epithelial cell types in the intestine, respiratory tract, and the skin. Chapter 12 also
includes a new section on respiratory virus infections, including influenza and SARS-CoV-2.
Chapter 16 brings vaccines to the forefront and includes a detailed discussion of the new
vaccine approaches used for SARS-CoV-2 and poliovirus vaccines. The Immunologist’s
Toolbox (Appendix I) has been updated with new sections on single-cell technologies such
as single-cell RNA-seq and lineage-tracing approaches, antigen tetramers for identifying
antigen-specific B cells, and parabiosis used to determine lymphocyte tissue residency.
included in Appendix I is a new description of an analytic technique used to measure
antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in infected or vaccinated individuals. End-of-chapter
study questions have been reworked in the Tenth Edition, and an online learning platform for
student self-assessment, InQuizitive, has been created.
We have benefited greatly from the major contribution of Gregory Barton, an expert in
innate immune signaling, who has revised and updated Chapter 3. Many additional people
deserve special thanks, including our thoughtful colleagues who reviewed the Ninth Edition
and provided insights that helped direct revisions in this new edition. We benefited from the
eagle-eyed accuracy reviewers who provided feedback on Tenth Edition chapters. All of
these individuals are cited in the Acknowledgments section, and we express our gratitude for
their efforts.
We have the good fortune to work with an outstanding editorial group at W. W. Norton. We
thank Denise Schanck, our editorial advisor, who coordinated the entire project, guiding us
gently but firmly back on track throughout the process.
We thank Betsy Twitchell, our
editor, who contributed her guidance, support, and wisdom. Sincere thanks also go to Judith
Kromm, our developmental editor, and Christopher Curioli, our copyeditor, for their insights
and attention to detail. As in all previous editions, Matt McClements has contributed his
genius—and patience—reinterpreting the authors’ sketches into elegant illustrations. Our
editing, production, and permissions teams provided their expertise throughout; they are
Maggie Stephens, David Bradley, Ben Reynolds, Stephanie Romeo, and Patricia Wong. Our
media experts, Kate Brayton, Jasmine Ribeaux, Alexandra Malakhoff, and Kara
Zaborowsky, created our excellent supplements package. The authors wish to thank their
most important partners—Theresa, Cindy Lou, and Charles—colleagues in life who have
supported this effort with their generosity of time, their own editorial insights, and their
infinite patience.