Tietz Textbook of Laboratory Medicine 7th Edition 2023 pdf


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We are pleased to introduce the seventh edition of the Tietz Textbook, now entitled, Tietz Textbook of Laboratory Medicine. We have expanded the scope of chapters from the sixth edition to include various specialties throughout laboratory medicine. In addition, we further refined and enriched the Platform, a concept we introduced in the sixth edition, of which the Textbook is only a component. Although the textbook is available in print for selected chapters, the comprehensive product is only available electronically on the Platform. The chapters in the print version of the textbook are meant to give readers a taste of the entire product and to demonstrate its broad scope. Using Elsevier’s Expert Consult electronic system, the Platform encompasses: • A textbook covering all major disciplines of laboratory medicine including clinical chemistry, genetic metabolic disorders, molecular diagnostics, hematology and coagulation, clinical microbiology, transfusion medicine, and clinical immunology. Thirty additional chapters are devoted to analytical techniques and basic practices in laboratory medicine, and an extensive compilation of reference intervals is included. Compared to the previous edition, the number of chapters has increased from 81 to 100 • Electronic search capability and a built-in medical dictionary

• Multimedia and Educational Resources for an enhanced learning experience that include: 1. The largest compilation ever assembled of clinical cases in laboratory medicine 2. Animation films to explain complex mechanisms and concepts 3. Podcasts 4. Lecture series 5. Biochemical calculations 6. Collections of morphologic images and electrophoretic patterns 7. Banks of multiple-choice and short-answer questions 8. Important documents, monographs, and guidebooks The above-described features are linked to the appropriate chapters for the convenience of the reader. These resources were either previously created by prominent laboratory medicine professionals (e.g., Allan Deacon, Michael J. Murphy, Rajeev Srivastava, Allan Gaw, Bobbi Pritt, Ellen F. Foxman, Julie E. Buring, Pamela Rist, Roy Peake, Morayma Reyes Gil, Matthew Diggle, Vera Paulson, Christina Lockwood, Gifford Batstone, Gary Weaving, Kate Shipman, Tamsyn Cromwell, and John Coakley), prestigious journals (e.g., Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Clinical Chemistry, Transfusion, American Journal of Hematology and Blood) and leading international scientific societies (e.g., the Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine-United Kingdom, Association of Clinical Biochemists-Ireland, Royal Society of Chemistry-London, Imperial College-London, Association of Molecular Pathology, and American Association for Clinical Chemistry), or produced de novo by accomplished scientists and physicians using materials from their own institutions (e.g., Mayo Medical Laboratories, ARUP, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Hôpital Universitaire La Pitié Salpêtrière-Paris, Pathology Queensland-Australia, and Boston Children’s Hospital). • A living product, where materials are periodically added and information updated as necessary Our hope for this Platform is to serve as a resource center where important materials in laboratory medicine are deposited for use by and for the benefit of the community at large. Therefore, we encourage those who have similar materials and wish to have them considered for the Platform to contact one of the editors. The Platform can only be enhanced by further efforts. Unlike most other textbooks, all chapters in this edition were reviewed by three individuals: a reviewer, an associate editor, and a senior editor. We believe that these efforts have

led to a better product. In addition, we made a concerted effort to create an International rather than an American Platform; about one third of the authors, reviewers, and editors reside outside the United States. We have strongly encouraged authors to include European, Australasian, and other international guidelines in addition to the American ones in order to present different practices and points of view. Furthermore, all measurements are presented both in traditional and SI units

 We aimed to harmonize the presentation of information among chapters while retaining the personality and unique style of each author, hoping for a readable, educational text with enough variety to amuse and occasionally delight. This ambitious project has been a true group effort and represents the collective intellect, knowledge, and experience of almost 230 leaders in laboratory medicine from 18 countries. We are in debt not only to the authors, reviewers, and editors of the chapters but also to the contributors of the Multimedia and Educational Resources materials and the Adaptive Learning Courses that greatly enriched the Platform. We are grateful to Elsevier, and particularly to Heather Bays-Petrovic, Maria Broeker, and Rachel McMullen and their team for supporting us throughout this project to realize our vision. We sincerely hope that this product will be a valuable educational and reference resource for the laboratory medicine community worldwide



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