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Current Diagnosis and Treatment Surgery, 15th Edition pdf

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ContentsCurrent Diagnosis & 'ITeatment: Surgery is a ready source of information about diseases managed by surgeons. Like other books
in this Lange series, it emphasizes quick recall of major diagnostic features and brief descriptions of disease processes, followed by approaches for definitive diagnosis and treatment. Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and pathology are discussed to the extent that they contribute to the ultimate purpose of the book, which is guidance for patient care. About one-third of the book is focused on general medical and surgical topics important in the management of all patients. The book also includes limited current references to literature for the reader who wishes to pursue specific additional detail Because of the concise nature of this text. more focused exploration may be useful to gain detail in specific areas.

Pref ace Current Diagnosis & 'ITeatment: Surgery is a ready source of information about diseases managed by surgeons. Like other books in this Lange series, it emphasizes quick recall of major diagnostic features and brief descriptions of disease processes, followed by approaches for definitive diagnosis and treatment. Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and pathology are discussed to the extent that they contribute to the ultimate purpose of the book, which is guidance for patient care. About one-third of the book is focused on general medical and surgical topics important in the management of all patients. The book also includes limited current references to literature for the reader who wishes to pursue specific additional detail Because of the concise nature of this text. more focused exploration may be useful to gain detail in specific areas. OUTSTANDING FEATURES •


 To maintain currency of the information, this text is revised and updated frequently. The most recent edition was published in 2015. With each revision, particular subjects are completely, substantially, partially, or minimally rewritten as indicated by the progress in each field. New authors and chapters are introduced for the text as needed. • This edition includes major revisions of many chapters, and entirely new chapters on: • Neurosurgery • Weight Management INTENDED AUDIENCE • Students: This is an authoritative introduction to surgery as the discipline is taught and practiced at major teaching institutions. • Residents: This is a ready reference for concise discussions of the diseases faced each day, as well as the less common ones calling for quick study. • Medical practitioners: Those who have occasion to counsel patients needing surgical referrals appreciate the concise readability of this book • Practicing surgeons: A most useful guide to current management strategies. 


ORGANIZATION This book is arranged chiefly by organ system. Early chapters provide general information about the relationship between surgeons and their patients (Chapter 1), training and professionalism (Chapter 2), preoperative care (Chapter 3), postoperative care (Chapter 4), and surgical complications (Chapter 5). Subsequent chapters deal with wound healing, inflammation, infection, antibiotics, fluid and electrolyte management. and surgical metabolism and nutrition. The main series of body systems topics begins with the chapter on head and neck tumors and ends with the chapter on hand surgery. Further chapters on pediatric surgery, oncology, weight management, and organ transplantation complete the coverage. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Along with the customary revision of all sections as called for by changing concepts in each field covered, in this edition, multiple choice questions and answers have been added to supplement each chapter.



 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The editor and contributors continue to acknowledge their gratitude to J. Englebert Dunphy, MD, for the inspiration to begin the first edition of this text, and his lifetime of service to the practice and teaching of surgery, and to Lawrence W. Way, the long-time editor of editions 2 through 12, and the conscience of the UCSF surgical training program. I have witnessed that same dedication to surgical students and trainees from faculty members at Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Michigan, Boston Medical Center, and Brigham and Women's Hospital as well as at dozens of other universities and hospitals that I have visited. At each institution, I havi: appreciated the diligence and curiosity of our trainees, and the energy that they bring to our daily work 

 To maintain currency of the information, this text is revised and updated frequently.
 The most recent edition was published in 2015. 
 With each revision, particular subjects are completely, substantially, 
 partially, or minimally rewritten as indicated by the progress in each field.
 New authors and chapters are introduced for the text as needed. •
 This edition includes major revisions of many chapters, and entirely new chapters on: •
 Neurosurgery • Weight Management 


• Students: This is an authoritative introduction to surgery as the discipline is taught and practiced at   major teaching institutions. 
• Residents: This is a ready reference for concise discussions of the diseases faced each day, as well as   the less common ones calling for quick study.
 • Medical practitioners: Those who have occasion to counsel patients needing surgical referrals     appreciate the concise readability of this book
 • Practicing surgeons: A most useful guide to current management strategies.


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