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The Cleveland Clinic Cardiology Board Review Third Edition 2022

The Cleveland Clinic Cardiology Board Review Third Edition 2022



    Brian P. Griffin, MD, FACC

    John and Rosemary Brown Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine 

    Section Head, Cardiovascular Imaging Department of Cardiovascular Medicine 

    Heart, Thoracic and Vascular Institute 

    Cleveland Clinic

     Cleveland, Ohio

    Samir R. Kapadia, MD, FACC 

    Professor of Medicine

     Chairman, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine   

    Cleveland Clinic 

    Cleveland, Ohio

    Venu Menon, MD, FACC, FAHA, FESC 

    Mehdi Razavi MD, Education Endowed Chair 

    Director of Cardiac Intensive Care Unit 

    Director, Cardiovascular Fellowship 

    Associate Director C5 Professor of Medicine 

    Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine 

    Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine 

    Cleveland Clinic  

    Cleveland, Ohio

    Pages:  2379                                                                                                                                   

    •  Language: English                                                                                                     
    • Format: PDF                                                                                                      
    • Size 43.8 MB

  • Contributing Authors 
  • Preface
  • 1- How To Pass The Cardiovascular Disease Board Examination
  •  John Rickard And Grant W. Reed
  •  2- Cardiac Physical Examination
  •  Craig R. Asher
  • 3- Cardiac Anatomy 
  •  Samir R. Kapadia And Nishant P. Shah 
  • 4- Cardiovascular Physiology: Flow–Volume Loops
  •  Richard D. Meredith And Michael D. Faulx
  • 5-  Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology
  •  Patrick J. Tchou
  • 6-  Cardiac Biochemistry 
  • Robert A. Koeth And Venu Menon
  • 7-  Clinical Epidemiology And Biostatistics
  •  Sneha Vakamudi And Paul C. Cremer 


  • 8- Chest Radiography For The Cardiovascular Medicine Boards 
  • Albree Tower-Rader And Michael A. Bolen

  • 9- Doppler Echocardiography
  • Bo Xu And Christine Jellis

  • 10- Electrocardiographic Stress Testing
  •  Philip Aagaard And Haitham Ahmed 

  • 11- Stress Echocardiography
  •  Abhinav Sharma And L. Leonardo Rodriguez 

  • 12- Nuclear Cardiac Imaging: A Primer 
  • Aldo L. Schenone, Paul C. Cremer, And Wael A. Jabe

  • 13- Cardiac MRI And CT 
  • James L. Gentry III And Milind Y. Desa

  • 14- Pathophysiology Of Heart Failure 
  • Varinder Kaur Randhawa, Ashley Bock, And J. Emanuel Finet 
  • 15-  Medical Treatment Of Heart Failure
  • Chonyang L. Albert And Jerry D. Estep 


  • The aim of this edition of the book is unchanged in its essence and is to provide a comprehensive topical overview of cardiovascular medicine in a concise and readable format. The needs of those seeking to revise the practice of cardiology broadly with a view to undertaking certification and recertification examinations were very much to the fore as we revised the book and led to the inclusion of new material and questions. We hope that this book will be useful not only to exam takers but also to cardiology fellows, cardiologists, and other providers seeking a targeted review of the current scope of cardiovascular medicine. 

We wish to acknowledge the support and assistance of both faculty and fellows in cardiovascular medicine and related disciplines at Cleveland Clinic who wrote the individual chapters and questions. We particularly want to dedicate this book to our colleagues and fellows and of course to our families. We hope you find this updated edition easy to use and helpful. 

Board certification in Cardiovascular Disease is an attainable goal made possible with careful planning and preparation. Each year, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Certifying Examination is offered in the fall, typically in October. The initial certification exam is given over 1.5 days. The first day consists of multiple choice questions, and the second half day includes an ECG examination and an imaging studies section comprising echocardiograms and coronary angiograms, focused on proper coding of studies. 

Registration dates are specified by the ABIM. In general, registration for the standard examination occurs from December 1 of the prior year through June 15 of the examination year, and late registration dates are typically June 16 through June 28. However, there may be exceptions, as in 2020 when late fees were waved in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications with a disability may be eligible for the Special Accommodation Examination, which has the same registration periods but is usually offered a few weeks after the standard examination. 

The initial certification examination fee for 2020 was $2,480. In addition, a nonrefundable fee of $400 is added for late registration, and a $500 fee is added for international testing centers. A 70% refund will be given if the examination is cancelled at least 48 hours prior to the examination, and a 55% refund given for cancellation within 48 hours. As registration test centers often fill up rapidly, early registration is key to assure the ability to take the examination at a nearby test center. 

As of 2020, the Cardiovascular Diseases Board examination is taken over the course of 1.5 days for first-time takers and 1 day for those taking it to recertify and opting for the 10-year examination option (those recertifying are exempt from the ECG and imaging sections). The first day is a full day lasting up to 10 hours. Day 1 consists of four 2-hour blocks consisting up to 60 multiple choice questions each. Break time between sessions is limited to 100 minutes total but can be divided between breaks however the examinee chooses. The second day is a half-day consisting of an ECG section of 35 to 40 tracings lasting 2 hours 15 minutes and an imaging section lasting 2 hours consisting of 35 to 40 video images that include echocardiograms, ventriculograms, aortograms, and angiogramsdelineates the weighted subject content for the examination. Many cardiology trainees do not have sufficient exposure to peripheral vascular disease, pharmacology, and congenital heart disease during their training and must overcome this deficiency during their preparation for the examination. For the ECG section, a brief one- or two-line clinical vignette is provided with each ECG tracing.

 The test taker then must code relevant findings using a coding sheet, available in advance for review at the ABIM Web site. Similarly, for the imaging section, coding sheets are provided to capture the various findings. Test takers must make sure they review the coding sheet prior to the test. Sample cases and practice coding sheets could be found on the ABIM Web site.


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